Hamas: No problem, man.
Minimus: Yes, I heard that the "slave" (alledged new definition) can/will include non-anointed. And yeah, facts don't mean s**t. You could show the dub-faithful that god's name is Satan and you would still have peeps following/apologizing/rationalizing on how they can show more zeal. And you're right, it's been a little while since there was something "juicy" of this magnitude.
Teejay: Wassup.......actually it was presented to me as a "faithful and discreet slave" designate. They are the FDS and have/are showing this and that the "appointment" is merely a formality and confirmation of who they already feel they are. And yes, J-dubs will eat it up in seconds, no questions.
Greven: You're right it is an unconfirmend rumor currently. It's all a waiting game. Actually, many of the doctrinal "switches" that have been made in the past were "marinated" on for YEARS until it was felt it was the right time to slip it in. I've been hearing bits and pieces of this rumor for the better part of 2 years. This is the first time, I've heard it "rumored" so clearly.
Robhic: Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Justhuman: It could be big, or it could be just a blip on the radar screen just like the "generation" issue.
RunningMan: The age of the annointed is something that I think has been on the minds of the WTS oracles for awhile now. But you're right, they'll spin it in a way that you'll just accept it without thinking about the complicated logic and LANGUAGE that they'll hit peeps with.
Rocketman: I've always felt naming specific dates/years doesn't bode well for good shelf life. Saying the master invisibly inspected (absolutely unprovable) his spiritual belongings in 1919, the 7 trumpet blasts being a series of conventions in 1922, etc. You have to wonder how long the current crop of j-dub oracles have wanted to wipe the musings of rutherford, franz, etc from the books.
Integ: There are peeps in my congo that aren't even aware of the sheeps/goats new light.
Elsewhere: The way it was told to me, they (FDS) are proving so by works and are in effect an FDS-elect. There have always been "faithful and discreet individuals" Similar to when a president is elected yet not serving until the outgoing one actually leaves office. But yeah, I think there are some authority issues if they don't spin the hell outta that yarn.
Cruzanheart: I'll take the grape flavor, thank u..........
Suzi-creamcheez: ***cues Saturday Night Fever soundtrack***
JeffT: You know they'll bring their A-game to the spindoctor session. I just wonder will it be announced at an convention or slipped into the back of a Watchtower magazine.
Metatron: Yep, control is the name of the game.
Ravyn: Yeah, that "wait on Jehovah" spiel used to tick me the hell off.
No Apologies: You hit it on the head and I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they spin it......that the only change is the time of the inspection.
JT: Wassup, bro.................HOW and WHEN.....those are the 2 most important aspects of this alleged change. Yeah, you're on-point. THERE WILL BE NO MASS EXODUS. Peeps are conditioned to accept " new light." It'll just whip peeps up into a fervor that the end must be close, for the "light of truth" to be so clear now. Also, good analogy on the catholic church, so on-point.
Undercover: My question is for those who have been disfellowshipped for not believing in the FDS concept....will disfellowshipments be rescinded? For anyone who has been disfellowshipped for apostasy only to find that the Society later changed to their view, are those df's lifted? Can it open up potential lawsuits against the WTS?
Nosferatu: There was a heavy at bethel who used to always suggest throwing out literature every 7-10 years because things are out-of-date due to the "chariot" (organization) going at such a high speed. And that's another way this can be spun, to keep up with the chariot, accept the change. And yeah, it wouldn't be the first time nor the last.
Francois: Couldn't say it any better.
Bigboi: Wassup, my mello. I think the GB's dying off has mos-def sped up them looking for something...any explanation.
OICU8it2: It would be a trip if they started all over again with a recent appointment.
RR: The change could be big, but they've got spin-doctors up there that can make your eyes glaze over and your brain hurt.
Gumby: Sure.......sure, blame everythin' on da' blackman (kidding). You're right in that you're average dub can't even explain away the 1918 appointment. Most don't care. They're so locked into the routine of being a JW that most can't see the doctrinal foundation and its flaws. You're on-point with the 1918 thang. They were really pitiful back in the day.
Panda: Logic and thinking ability are to dubs like s**t is to us that we flush down a toilet. You can be sure that the cult catch phrases will be in full-effect.
xjw_b12: Who? That's the $64,000 question.
OHappyDay: You bring up an interesting point. They could disavow the whole chronology thing and get a fresh start, but i doubt that they're smart enough to recognize it.
LDH: Lisa, how the hell are u doing? Good to hear from u. Yeah, you're like me. I only get a chance to pop in and out of here. Keep hanging!